Artist Wants To Adopt A Cat So Bad, She Signs Up For A 100-Day Cat Meme Drawing Challenge


Drawing cats from memes every single day is like a dream. Well, animation student Emily Paquin, also known as Katwisi, is definitely living this life! She posts a drawing of the popular and beloved Internet cat every day and has no plans to stop until she reaches 100, maybe even more!


“Most of the cats I draw are from popular cat images I find on the Internet via Instagram. I have always liked these funny pictures of cats, and I remember when I was a child I printed out similar ones and pasted them on my school notebooks, ”Em told Bored Panda about the project she started on June 13th.

Scroll down to the end of our interview with Em and check out her funny cat illustrations below. Vote for the ones you like the most and let us know in the comments which one you like the most and why. Oh, and be sure to follow Em’s latest pictures on her Instagram!

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Cats were the first thing Em learned to paint, and the artist told Bored Panda that she had loved art all her life.I am currently attending art college and studying animation and illustration,” she said of her studies. So it’s safe to say that we will continue to see great things for Em in the near future after she gets her degree.Each illustration takes Catwheezie 2 to 3 hours. It all depends on the level of detail she wants to reveal and how busy she is that day.







I usually work on several of them at the same time, so every day I will have a new cat to post. There is a lot of planning involved in this project, ”she shared her strategy – to always have an emergency catto in her back pocket to send just in case life gets in the way.

It can’t be denied that drawing cats is a huge pleasure (and a great way to side with our meowing overlords). But why did Em even start redrawing cat memes? Well, it turns out she really, really wanted a kitten. Drawing cats was her way of communicating this desire to her family.











“The project started when I decided to draw a cat every day until I could adopt it myself. For a while, it seemed to me that I would draw cats forever, doomed to never adopt them. Everything magically fell into place, and for 21 days my family and I adopted Beanie, a two-month-old kitten-rescuer, – Em shared the fantastic news.

Even having received the cat of her dreams, the illustrator continued her project. We are very satisfied. So are the fans of Em.









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