These 30 Adorable Webcomics Will Make Your Day Beautiful And Make it More brighten


Admiral Wonderboat Told in his last blog I have struggled with depression and anxiety for many years. But 2013 was the worst – it was a nightmare. Through therapy, art, and exercise, I gradually returned to my life. Lately, I have been drawing comics about my experiences to share what has helped me and to inspire people who are going the same way as me. Admiral Wonderboat: Instagram admiralwonderboat ​Cartoons is sad, mean, ironic, but funny. There are several themes in the Admiral Miracle Boat comics that are not boring. Especially those who need to be distinguished make fun of the groups and themselves. There is already a lot of hatred in this world. The artist has an Instagram Create account and keeps your fans up to date with new funny cartoons. The effort of the year finally paid off with 23K Instagram followers. The number is still being counted


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#1 Pour tomato soup into a cup, pour a ton of pepper in there, and BOOM, you have LUNCH. In the cup !!! Do you put tomato soup in a bowl or mug?

#2 This is what I need. Not people who get even more annoyed with me than I already am


#3 A lot of time is needed to work through the worries!

#4 If only cupcakes grew on trees 

#5 Yes. Also if you are upset with someone, it can be good to get your anger out on paper, so that you can be diplomatic in person later

#6 Ah yes, the wonders of being stressed out. Do you clench or grind your teeth?


#7 To tell the truth, mediocre at all of this but I enjoy drawing, baking sometimes, and cooking (if I know what I want, not on a daily basis). But I heard some people say that practice helps. Just go on trying drawing these sloppy lines 24/7 and one days I can have a decent turtle as you have. Maybe. There’s a chance. Who knows
































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