The Artist Describes Everyday Life With Her Boyfriend And Shows That Love is in The Little Things


Sarah Graley is a British illustrator behind the adorable nerd Our Super Adventure comics. Based in Birmingham, Grayley lives with four cats (Plague, Toby, Pixel, Wilson) and her boyfriend Steph, a cat-like boy. And, as you can see from her work, her housemate quintet seems to provide her with endless material for her sweet and quirky cartoons. I love to talk about the stupid things that I and my partner got up to and draw, so it makes sense to combine the two and start drawing diary comics! Sara told. It’s been a great way to record my relationship with Stef for years. She works in her home studio and has a room just to make her cartoons. It has always been my dream of growth, she says. I love it! And working from home is great because I can hang out with cats all day long. Scroll down to see a sample of her wonderfully capricious work. Sarah can also be caught at various comic conventions in the UK. For more information, please visit her website.


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#19 My wife loves to just.. randomly scream while I’m driving down the interstate.
It hasn’t caused us to die yet, so there’s that.



#21 Our youngest dog absolutely hates raspberries. She will bite your face off if you try to give her a tummy berry. She also hates it when we do it to each other, but not quite face biting level hate. It’s like the rudest thing you can do to her is make her hear a raspberry.







She works in her home studio and has a room just to make her cartoons. It has always been my dream of growth, she says. I love it! And working from home is great because I can hang out with cats all day long. Sarah can also be caught at various comic conventions in the UK. For more information, please visit her website.



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