There’s A Cat Permanently Living In The Hagia Sophia In Istanbul (30 Pics)


Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia was built back in 537 and featured a variety of things, from a Greek Orthodox basilica to a Catholic cathedral, an Ottoman imperial mosque, and a museum. In 2020, the Turkish president issued a decree ordering to advertise Hagia Sophia back to the mosque. This decision was controversial, citing condemnation from UNESCO, the World Council of Churches and many international leaders. But no matter what happens to this place, one cat will always call it home.


Gli is a beautiful European Shorthair, with slightly slanting eyes and a royal mood. For most of the sixteen years she has lived within centuries-old walls and has become a favorite among all tourists who pass through her.

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Gli even has her own Instagram and is run by Umut Bahcechi. She was also born in Istanbul. I am in l0ve with this city, Bahechi said.I have seen more than 20 countries and many beautiful cities, but deep down I believe that Istanbul is the queen of all cities, and Hagia Sophia is the crown of Istanbul.

Bakhcechi was a tour guide at Hagia Sophia while it was still a museum, and said her love for her was the main reason she chose this career.


She said Istanbul is fam0us f0r its stray cats. People even made documentaries about them. “It was okay to see cats both around and in Hagia Sophia, but there was something special about that. I saw the light in her from the very beginning of our relationship. The way she poses, how she walks, how she behaves is completely different from other cats, even her sister Kizim.

Once I saw her in a newspaper in a photograph with Obama and President Erdogan, ”Bahcechi said. – Then I learned her name. “Perfectly describing the character of the cat, Gly means’ union of love.When Bakhchechi began to observe her more and more, she realized that Gli really united everyone. Whatever their religion, skin color, or gender, they all smiled when they met Gli.I created an I nstagram account for Gli so that I can collect and store her photos in one place. Eventually, people gradually started sending me their photos, ”Bahcechi said.

If she had to describe Glee’s personality in one word, it would be “queen.” Gli loves to pose in front of cameras, but if she doesn’t get too crowded, she might hide in a quiet corner. In winter, she loves to be in front of the light projectors because they keep her warm.The entire staff is her family, but Bahcechi wanted to thank archaeologist Defne Bali, deputy director of Hagia Sophia, for taking care of Gli since her birth.There are currently no plans to relocate Gli. She will continue to live in Hagia Sophia, the place where she was born and raised, even after her transformation into a mosque.



































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