The young cat was huddled in a corner, looking people with fearful eyes


The frightened homeless cat looked around and didn’t let anyone in when people just tried to help her.


An animal rescuer named Nikki Martinez from Las Vegas trapped stray cats for sterilization and castration. In one of the abandoned buildings, Nikki’s team discovered a whole cat colony. They caught the cats, and drove their center.


Among the rescued cats there were many kittens, and one of them – a small cat with amazingly beautiful eyes – was the most timid. Kitty escaped the rescuer and hissed every time she wasapproached. This went on even after Nikki took her for an overexposure.

When all the other kittens were already accustomed to home life, the timid baby did not relent. The rescuer gave her the nickname Sugar (Sugar, from English – sugar), and began to gain her trust.

Nikki wrapped the ward in warm blankets, stroked and fed delicacies so that the heart of the snow queen would soon melt. And it was not in vain – soon the cat realized that this person can be trusted.

She sat under the table for weeks, afraid of every rustle, and looked at me intensely when I entered the room. But a miracle happened recently – she played with me for the first time, “says Nikki

Little Sugar was gradually getting used to the woman’s affection, and after a couple of weeks she was already purring sweetly, lying on her chest. All the works of Nikki were not in vain – the baby finally completely trusted her, and herself periodically required attention.

When she was old enough, they started looking for owners for the cat. One family at first sight fell in love with this beauty with bewitching eyes – they came to look at her, and on the same day they took away!


Now Sugar lives with the owners who truly love her. She got along with two feline sisters in  a new family, and enjoys life with might and main.



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