A rescued kitten grows up with a dog next to him


We have always believed that cats and d0gs are natural enemies. This is definitely n0t the case with Moti and Mik0.Moti is a 2-year-0ld rescue cat, and Meco is a 4-year-old C0rgi, and they are best friends.


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When Mec0 was almost 2 years old, his 0wners rescued M0ti, whom they found at their apartment complex with his brothers and sisters.


It took them about a month to feel comfortable with each other, the person explains. At first, when Moti was just a tiny kitten, they were both careful and in no hurry to get involved.

They are best friends whenever they want. Sometimes they annoy each other and chase each other,

But, of course, anyone who has a best friend or sibling knows that annoying each other is an important part of a relationship.

Not much time passed as Mikko and Moti got along well, here they are in an epic contest.


They love sharing a blanket…

And watching the world outside together


They have secret meetings under furniture.

And a conspiracy of world domination in their fort pillow

They are best friends and it looks like they will always be

Can you feel the love?


The faces you get when you hear snacks open up

Just loafing around on this lazy Sunday

Do not pass unless you have treats


We demand treats

Oh you know.. my brother and I doing what we do best.. Loafing around

Having some fun while the corg-parents are moving stuff




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